15 International Films | Various Artists | 2018 | 98m
PG rating because of the following shots: a chicken gets its head chopped off, an accidental propellor beheading, and a stumbling man ablaze
Various languages with English subtitles (mostly English or no dialogue)
20th Animation Show of Shows Saturday May 11 2:30PM
The Animation Show of Shows is a selection of some of the year's best animated short films, curated and presented by Acme Filmworks. The works in this year’s show remind us of both the universality of shared ideals, as well as the diverse challenges we face.
• The Green Bird - Maximilien Bourgeois, Quentin Dubois, Marine Goallard, Irina Nguyen, Pierre Perveyrie, France
A funny animation which harks back to classic cartoons of the mid-20th century.
• One Small Step - Andrew Chesworth, Bobby Pontillas, USA
An inspiring story of a Chinese-American girl’s dream of being an astronaut centers on her evolving relationship with her father.
• Grands Canons - Alain Biet, France
A dizzying symphonic celebration of everyday objects through the animation of detailed drawings.
• Barry - Anchi Shen, USA
A sheep that longs to be a doctor and tries to be taken seriously by his human colleagues.
• Super Girl - Nancy Kangas, Josh Kun, USA
Inspired by a poem composed by an eloquent preschooler.
• Love Me, Fear Me - Veronica Solomon, Germany
The darker side of relationships is forcefully explored in a tour de force of claymation that uses dance to delve into the lengths people go to to deceive each other and try to pass for something they’re not.
• Business Meeting - Guy Charnaux, Brazil
If you’ve ever suspected board meetings offer nothing but verbal gassing and mindless conformity, director Guy Charnaux shows he knows your pain.
• Flower Found! - Jorn Leeuwerink, The Netherlands
A case of mistaken identity has unpleasant consequences in this unsettling tale that might or might not be a parable of our times.
• Bullets - Nancy Kangas, Josh Kun, USA
Inspired by a poem composed by an eloquent preschooler.
• A Table Game - Nicolás Petelski, Spain
Inspired by the absurdity and black humor that characterizes Estonian animation.
• Carlotta's Face - Valentin Riedl, Frédéric Schuld, Germany
“Carlotta’s Face,” by Valentin Riedl and Frédéric Schuld, illuminates a different kind of relationship dysfunction in its sensitive portrayal of a woman who suffers from prosopagnosia, the inability to recognize faces, and her salvation through art.
• Age of Sail - John Kahrs, USA
Chronicles the adventures of an old sailor who rescues a teenaged girl after she falls overboard.
• Polaris - Hikari Toriumi, USA
The power of family ties, and specifically the enduring connection between parents and children, are sensitively evoked in Hikari Toriumi’s deeply affecting Polaris, about a young polar bear leaving home for the first time.
• My Moon - Eusong Lee, USA
Eusong Lee’s My Moon takes a more cosmic and lighthearted approach to a troubled relationship, limning a celestial love triangle played out by the sun, the moon, and the earth.
• Weekends - Trevor Jimenez, USA
The beautifully designed Weekend by Trevor Jimenez, explores the complex emotional landscape of a young boy and his recently divorced parents, as he shuttles between their very different homes and lives.