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This Week

This Friday and Sunday

This Saturday:

Carbon Arc is closed this Saturday, March 29.


Thank you to everyone who came to our Animation Festival of Halifax screenings! We hope to see you next year!

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You will receive notices when tickets go on sale, updates about upcoming screenings, new bookings, and other local film events.

Check out the animation festival website for details about the Animation festival of Halifax!

A giant thank you to everyone who donated to the Nova Scotia SPCA during our virtual run of Stray! We were able to raise $577.50! All the credit card fees for donations were covered so 100% of your donation went to the NS SPCA.

Carbon Arc’s behind the scenes boss died April 7th, 2020. We were so lucky to have him order us around and keep us sensible. He was the best.

Tiny’s favourite album was Superchunk’s On the Mouth. He would race around whenever it was on. That alone makes you a technician in most jurisdictions.


Thank you for joining us to watch movies and helping to keep art house and independent cinema alive and strong for the last 14 years!